Estate Planning

January 8, 2020

Benefits of Avoiding Probate

In California, one of the primary goals in many Estate plans is to avoid the need for probate. Probate can be an expensive and time-consuming process. At Kushner Legal, we typically advise our clients to use Trust-based Estate plans to avoid the need for probate. This is a significant advantage […]
December 3, 2019

How to Make a Valid Will in California

Wills are important estate planning documents that ensure that the wishes of a testator are carried out upon their death. The requirements for a will to be valid in the state of California are set out in Division 6 of the California Probate Code. Pursuant to section 6100, a will-maker […]
December 3, 2019

Contesting A Will in California

In California, interested parties may contest a will on a number of specific grounds. The will contest must be brought no later than 120 days from the date the subject will has been admitted to probate. The grounds for contesting a will in California include and are not limited to: […]